Sarah accessed BSARCS services 2019 – 2022, and decided to make the amazing decision to fundraise by completing an abseil in January. I spoke with Sarah to find out more about why she choose to fundraise for us, and how the abseil went.
“When I used BSARCS services the staff team were amazing, I dealt with Lucy, who went above and beyond to support me, and that is why I decided to raise funds for BSARCS. It was my husband who put me forward for the abseil in November and at the time I didn’t really think much about it, I didn’t really realise what it was, and then I did…. I have a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Emotionally unstable personality disorder, I had a breakdown in March and I really struggle to get out and about, never mind complete an abseil, I am terrified of heights.
From November to January I put it to the back of my mind. On the day when we arrived I wasn’t too bad, then we started walking up the steps and felt really dizzy and sick, I got really emotional and upset. The others who were there completing an abseil too were really supportive and encouraging, helping me get up to the top. The last hurdle was to go up a ladder, I have got a huge fear of ladders, so I stepped aside and let everyone else go up before me. One of the others who was really supportive coaxed me up the ladder. I am quite small and the last step was very difficult, but I thought I am doing this for charity, I am doing it.
Once at the top, the staff were great, they talked you through everything and put the harness on me. I was shaking getting off the edge, I did not look down. You have got to go off the edge, sit in the harness and let go, they then release the line so that you go down at a good speed. But I wouldn’t let go. Then I thought, No I have got to let go, I am doing this for chartity, I have got to let go. So I did. I went down so far and then it got stuck, at this point I was laughing. When I landed I wanted to do it again. We are hoping to go to go ape in the summer.
The abseil really helped my mental health, I had amazing support and encouragement from my husband, family and many more. I didn’t think that it would be something I would ever do. I am still taking baby steps with getting out and about.”
Sarah raised an amazing £1000, which she split with £500 each for us here at BSARCS and for Help Homeless Veterans. A huge thank you to Sarah, what an amazing achievement. I get dizzy looing down our steps in the office, never mind from the top of an abseil wall.