Thank you

20th Oct 21

Covid and lockdown has been incredibly difficult and life changing for all of us, for one reason or another. Some good, some bad, and some unimaginable. Many of us who would say we were ‘comfortable’ or ‘well off’ have struggled due to the pandemic.  At BSARCS many of our clients already struggled with finances so the extra burden of Covid had more of an impact than many of us can ever imagine.


In order to support clients who need it, we collect unused, unopened toiletries to help our clients who have to choose between bills, food and hygiene. It is something we have done for the last few years through donations from both companies and the general public.


Lindsey, runs her Bodyshop business from home and it was Important to her that the women in our support group had what they needed to get through the lock downs. Lindsey used her own commission, donations from customers and other consultants to collect a stock of products.


We are always so grateful for anyone who supports us in anyway and humbled when people donate to our cause.


We know these wonderful goodies were appreciated and went down a treat with the group.


Thank you again Lindsey – we really do value your contribution.