We have a handful of volunteers here at BSARCS who offer their time weekly to support our work, we are always grateful for the support they give us, and in the last year our volunteers have given us a combined total of 350 hours of our time. We spoke with one of our volunteers Sarah to hear about her reason for volunteering with us, and what she enjoys the most.
“The motivation behind me volunteering for BSARCS stemmed from my time as a service user. When Amy came into group one morning and said they were looking for volunteers for different roles within BSARCS, I thought it could be the perfect way to give something back. Although I honestly didn’t think I would be successful with my application. I was very surprised when I got the role of receptionist but then covid struck.
I love my role within BSARCS. I’m part of a team and I feel part of the team! I do some admin work such as phone bills, counselling evaluations, I upload evaluations in to the system, I maintain the help-yourself boxes, leaflets and notice board, I do any printing that anyone may want doing, I source and print motivational quotes and other bits!
I love working in admin, so any more work would be gratefully received.”
Thank you for all your hard work Sarah, you are a pleasure to have in our office!