Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

BSARCS has specific organisational policies relating to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.  These policies are reviewed every three years as a minimum and in response to changing legislation, guidance and good practice. 

Our policies provide staff, volunteers and others working with BSARCS guidance on the procedures in the event that they suspect a child or vulnerable adult is, or may be, at risk of significant harm.  The policies are available should any individual wish to view them, however, the following statement sets out our continued commitment to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

BSARCS believes that everyone, regardless of age, culture, disability, gender, racial origin, language and/or religious beliefs has the right to protection from abuse.

BSARCS takes all allegations and suspicions of abuse seriously and will respond swiftly and appropriately should they arise.

BSARCS will endeavour to safeguard children and vulnerable adults by:

  • Recruiting all staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
  • Ensuring effective management of staff and volunteers through induction, supervision, support and training
  • Adopting appropriate guidelines and procedures as well as a code of conduct for staff and volunteers
  • Ensuring that staff understand their personal responsibility for safeguarding the children and vulnerable adults accessing our services
  • Ensuring that staff are able to identify safeguarding concerns and take appropriate action
  • Ensuring that staff have sufficient knowledge and skills to be able to respond appropriately where there is an allegation or disclosure of abuse
  • Ensuring that relevant BSARCS staff, volunteers and trustees undertake safeguarding training appropriate to their role
  • Appointing a minimum of two designated safeguarding leads to support staff in identifying and dealing appropriately where there are safeguarding concerns
  • Involving the individual in the processes surrounding safeguarding their welfare wherever possible and ensuring that they are kept informed
  • Maintaining robust confidentiality procedures and information sharing protocols