How Sexual Harm Impacts Domestic Abuse Experiences and Recovery


This course will take place on zoom, all zoom invites will be emailed approx. 1 week prior to the training taking place. This training course is an interactive session looking at the impact of sexual harm. With particular emphasis on the impact of child sexual abuse on later victimisation and the experience of further sexual […]


Understanding and Responding to Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse


This course will outline the characteristics of C.S.A, discuss prevalence, responses to the child and non-abusing parent/carer. Significance of professional curiosity in identifying abuse may be present and how to work with disclosure. Aims: Understand the prevalence of CSA and consider the nature and context Recognise the impact  of CSA across a range of outcomes. […]

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Dealing with Disclosure of Sexual Abuse from Children and Young People


This course is aimed at Barnsley professionals who work with children and young people. BSARCS are utilising information from the Centre for Expertise in Child Sexual Abuse to support improved responses to signs that sexual harm may be occurring in a Child’s life. Individuals working with Children may hear disclosures of sexual harm or having […]

RSVP Now Free 6 spots left

Working with Sexual Harm; Spot the Signs, Ask the Question, Respond with Confidence


The course looks at signs sexual harm may be occurring, how to respond to those signs and finally addresses the approach which will support more positive outcomes for children. We ask attendees to have completed our Dealing with Disclosure of sexual abuse training prior to attending this session, as this session builds on the existing […]

RSVP Now Free 9 spots left

Trauma Informed Responses and the Impact of Sexual Harm


This course is aimed at Barnsley professionals, an experience of Sexual violence (rape, sexual assault and child sexual abuse) has a significant impact often for a prolonged period on the emotional and physical wellbeing of those people who are victimised. This Course looks at the extent of the problem, the impact upon the individual, how […]

RSVP Now Free 15 spots left

How Sexual Harm Impacts Domestic Abuse Experiences and Recovery


This course will take place on zoom, all zoom invites will be emailed approx. 1 week prior to the training taking place. This training course is an interactive session looking at the impact of sexual harm. With particular emphasis on the impact of child sexual abuse on later victimisation and the experience of further sexual […]

RSVP Now Free 19 spots left

Understanding and Working with the Impact of Vicarious and Secondary Trauma


This course outlines concepts of vicarious secondary trauma and burnout. It looks at the impact and discusses strategies to manage and prevent burnout. This course is suitable for anyone working professionally with clients who have or continue to experience trauma. Aims of the session: Understand how working with trauma can impact your practice and your […]

RSVP Now Free 17 spots left

Understanding and Responding to Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse


This course will outline the characteristics of C.S.A, discuss prevalence, responses to the child and non-abusing parent/carer. Significance of professional curiosity in identifying abuse may be present and how to work with disclosure. Aims: Understand the prevalence of CSA and consider the nature and context Recognise the impact  of CSA across a range of outcomes. […]

RSVP Now Free 18 spots left

Dealing with Disclosure of Sexual Abuse from Children and Young People


This course is aimed at Barnsley professionals who work with children and young people. BSARCS are utilising information from the Centre for Expertise in Child Sexual Abuse to support improved responses to signs that sexual harm may be occurring in a Child’s life. Individuals working with Children may hear disclosures of sexual harm or having […]

RSVP Now Free 20 spots left

Working with Sexual Harm: Recognising and Responding to Online Sexual Harm


"Sexual abuse imagery of children aged 11-13 is most prevalent (IWF2021)" As the above statistic demonstrates: Online Sexual Abuse is a growing threat to Children and Young people’s safety and wellbeing. Increasing numbers of Children and Young people have access to devices at younger and younger ages. Perpetrators of sexual harm exploit adult ignorance about […]

RSVP Now Free 16 spots left