This short course focuses on the link between ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Sexual and Domestic Abuse.
BSARCS has been successful in receiving a grant to deliver this training. The course has been funded by South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit.
We will describe what ACES are, include statistical data connecting ACES and intimate personal violence and move on to look at how the trauma informed approach for adults and children can assist with prevention and or recovery.
We will be drawing on existing research and good practice and we will discuss how approaches to our work can develop and become trauma informed.
By the end of the course you should have an understanding of how early life experiences impact on physical and mental health. With specific focus on children and adults experiencing Sexual and Domestic Abuse.
1. Describe what Adverse Childhood Experiences are.
2. Identify how a trauma informed approach for adults and children can assist with prevention and recovery.
3. Understand the connection of early experiences to lifelong impact on physical and mental health.
4. Recognise the significant link between childhood Sexual and Domestic Abuse and adult outcomes.
If at any point you exit this course, your completed tests and progress will be saved. If you exit the course whilst taking a test the test will have to be retaken. You can resume course progress here.
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