Barnsley Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Services (BSARCS), in partnership with BMBC, has launched a borough wide campaign called “Ask the Question”. This is the first whole town initiative across the UK and is aimed at helping residents to lose the stigma of sexual harm.
People who have experienced sexual abuse often feel like they are silenced and unable to talk about what happened, carrying the weight of the abuse whilst the perpetrator receives no sanction at all. Nationwide, there has been a significant move to improve responses to sexual harm and there is recognition of how not supporting people can lead to negative life outcomes.
Supported by national services including the Centre for Expertise in Childhood Sexual Abuse and The Survivors Trust, BSARCS has trained over …..Barnsley professionals to ‘ask the question’ in order to support people with their experience. Following the training, Barnsley residents will be able to speak openly about sexual harm if they wish to, as services such as mental health, GP’s, domestic violence and drugs/alcohol will be ‘asking the question’.
BSARCS CEO, Lynne Casserly, said,
“We are really proud to be leading the first whole town initiative which will help people manage the pain and impact of sexual abuse. This Barnsley initiative is in its very early stages and already 20% of people asked said they have experienced sexual harm, often in childhood. The impact on people receiving appropriate support can be huge, with positive change in mental health, a reduction in suicide attempts and use of drugs/alcohol dependency. Enabling people to talk, to understand the impact of the trauma they have gone through and to truly believe it wasn’t their fault will really change lives for the better.”
1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will have experienced sexual harm at some point in their life. BSARCS works with 1750 Barnsley adults and children each year. If you or someone you know have been impacted by sexual harm at any time in your life, you can reach out to BSARCS on 01226 320140, or find out more about what BSARCS offer on their website
To find our more about Ask the Question initiative visit the Ask the Question webpage
Download your Barnsley is Asking the Question posters below:
We have recently had another fabulous fundraiser complete her challenge, we caught up with Jolene to find out more about her fundraising experience
What has made you decide to fundraise for BSARCS?
I work for TYS and have had young people who have received support from you guys. Absolutely amazing service and you simply cannot under-estimate the impact of the support you guys offer
How did you decide on what you was going to do?
I absolutely love running and I have run a couple of marathons before- as i’m getting older it’s important to keep setting challenges and keep the legs moving! use it or lose it!
How are you training/preparing for your run?
I am running 4 times per week and eating plenty ☺️
What are you looking forward to the most?
I’m looking forward to the atmosphere on the day!
How will you reward yourself after the marathon?
I will be eating EVERYTHING!
Jolene completed the marathon in 4:55:02, what an absolute achievement, this is what she had to say about the race:
“Not the race i wanted to run in terms of times, BUT I am so thankful that i have an amazing body that allows me to do amazing things like this!”
Jolene raised an amazing £586 through her fundraising effort. We cannot thank you enough!
We have a handful of volunteers here at BSARCS who offer their time weekly to support our work, we are always grateful for the support they give us, and in the last year our volunteers have given us a combined total of 350 hours of our time. We spoke with one of our volunteers Sarah to hear about her reason for volunteering with us, and what she enjoys the most.
“The motivation behind me volunteering for BSARCS stemmed from my time as a service user. When Amy came into group one morning and said they were looking for volunteers for different roles within BSARCS, I thought it could be the perfect way to give something back. Although I honestly didn’t think I would be successful with my application. I was very surprised when I got the role of receptionist but then covid struck.
I love my role within BSARCS. I’m part of a team and I feel part of the team! I do some admin work such as phone bills, counselling evaluations, I upload evaluations in to the system, I maintain the help-yourself boxes, leaflets and notice board, I do any printing that anyone may want doing, I source and print motivational quotes and other bits!
I love working in admin, so any more work would be gratefully received.”
Thank you for all your hard work Sarah, you are a pleasure to have in our office!
Sarah accessed BSARCS services 2019 – 2022, and decided to make the amazing decision to fundraise by completing an abseil in January. I spoke with Sarah to find out more about why she choose to fundraise for us, and how the abseil went.
“When I used BSARCS services the staff team were amazing, I dealt with Lucy, who went above and beyond to support me, and that is why I decided to raise funds for BSARCS. It was my husband who put me forward for the abseil in November and at the time I didn’t really think much about it, I didn’t really realise what it was, and then I did…. I have a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Emotionally unstable personality disorder, I had a breakdown in March and I really struggle to get out and about, never mind complete an abseil, I am terrified of heights.
From November to January I put it to the back of my mind. On the day when we arrived I wasn’t too bad, then we started walking up the steps and felt really dizzy and sick, I got really emotional and upset. The others who were there completing an abseil too were really supportive and encouraging, helping me get up to the top. The last hurdle was to go up a ladder, I have got a huge fear of ladders, so I stepped aside and let everyone else go up before me. One of the others who was really supportive coaxed me up the ladder. I am quite small and the last step was very difficult, but I thought I am doing this for charity, I am doing it.
Once at the top, the staff were great, they talked you through everything and put the harness on me. I was shaking getting off the edge, I did not look down. You have got to go off the edge, sit in the harness and let go, they then release the line so that you go down at a good speed. But I wouldn’t let go. Then I thought, No I have got to let go, I am doing this for chartity, I have got to let go. So I did. I went down so far and then it got stuck, at this point I was laughing. When I landed I wanted to do it again. We are hoping to go to go ape in the summer.
The abseil really helped my mental health, I had amazing support and encouragement from my husband, family and many more. I didn’t think that it would be something I would ever do. I am still taking baby steps with getting out and about.”
Sarah raised an amazing £1000, which she split with £500 each for us here at BSARCS and for Help Homeless Veterans. A huge thank you to Sarah, what an amazing achievement. I get dizzy looing down our steps in the office, never mind from the top of an abseil wall.
As a charity we are responsible to a board of trustees, we are lucky to have Sheridan volunteer her time to not only be one of our trustees but to fundraise for BSARCS. Here is her fundraising story:
“I chose to fundraise for BSARCS because I love the charity and what it stands for, I wanted to support the people of Barnsley who may have needed the services in the past or who may be needing it currently. I’ve been a proud trustee for 2.5 years and I’ve been so in awe of the work carried out, the passion and commitment of the staff and the culture surrounding BSARCS.
So, I started training around 3 months before the 10k until shin splints hit! Meaning I wasn’t able to train (and barely walk), so I had some rest. After that I tried another light run, thinking I’d healed but unfortunately not enough and was advised to rest again. The weekend of the 10k I was struck with what seemed like a stomach bug and thought it was game over, then my period came (let’s normalise talking about periods in sport) and I felt like the universe was out to get me, but I powered through. Race day, the atmosphere, the weather, was just amazing! On the way to Leeds, I was telling myself “you’ve got this” and after 8 years of Jiu Jitsu and competing, I knew I could get myself into the headspace that I needed to do the race. I was prepped with energy gels, I’d strapped my shins up (which later fell off due to sweat), had my running vest on and I was good to go! Weirdly enough, I LOVED the run!! I had amazing support with me, who cheered me on from the sideline. I got over the finish line and had a little cry of pure joy! And then met up with my family and got a free massage that was provided as part of the race! I also got a free t-shirt and a medal!! Finishing time of 1 HOUR AND 36 MINUTES!
I’m definitely going to be doing some more fundraising for BSARCS, maybe this time it will involve a Stand Up Paddleboard, it’s a bit easier on the shins 🙂
I raised £270!!
Being a trustee has always meant a lot to me, I’m able to be a part of making real changes in an important service in Barnsley. I also get to make sure the team have everything they need in order to make the service the best it can be and so they feel supported in the work that they do. I still can’t believe I get to be on a board of trustees at such a young age, but it is something I’m super proud of 🙂”
Thank you so much Sheridan, look at that smile, what an achievement!
At BSARCS we have volunteers as part of our team, volunteers bring new knowledge and enthusiasm in to the services that we provide. Rachel has been volunteering for BSARCS for quite some time, and supports the development team in the front line facilitation of group work in our wellbeing group and our post support group for those who have completed service with us. Not only does Rachel breathe a breath of fresh air in to our group sessions every week she has chosen to raise money for BSARCS by completing a colour run in June. We caught up with Rachel to find out more:
“I wanted to raise money for BSARCS as I do a lot of charity work, I do a lot to do with alzheimer’s, cancer, domestic abuse and sexual violence. As myself or other people I know have been affected. I wanted to raise money for a local charity and this was perfect.
I wanted to become a volunteer due to previously using the service myself. I wanted to help other adults and children who are in the position that I had been and show them there is a positive outcome to something so horrible. I also volunteered to get myself back in to work and this was a good way to do so. It gave me confidence to find myself a part time job.
My volunteering role: I work with the group facilitators to help women, give them extra support before and after their work with BSARCS. We provide a comfortable space to talk about feelings, and give them tools to help with things like sleep issues, anxiety and whatever they share they need support with. In our grounding discussions, we provide creative activities such as pebble painting, this can be really relaxing and is a time when people usually open up.
For the fundraising me and my partner Stuart are doing for BSARCS, we are completing the colour run in June, we are preparing by going on runs when we can and getting a little bit fitter”
Stuart shared:
“I wanted to help my partner as she has been through the services and I want to show my support to her and others going through similar things. We are trying to do some running when we can to get ready for our colour run in June”.
We love the support for BSARCS and for each other shared by Rachel and Stuart, and cannot thank them enough for the money raised to support the work of BSARCS. BSARCS worked with 1500 individuals last year, and the £105 raised by these two colourful runners will go a long way in continuing the support we offer. And let’s not forget the week by week support that we continue to receive from Rachel as a volunteer in our group sessions!
Well done, and thank you for your continued support from all at BSARCS!
At BSARCS we are fortunate to have fantastic Volunteers and Fundraisers as part of our team, their efforts, determination and commitment is amazing and we wanted to take an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the fantastic work that they do and continue to do. I took some time to chat with one of our fundraisers Sarah to hear more about her fundraising for BSARCS:
“Unfortunately nearly 10 years ago I had to use BSARCS service, it isn’t something you think you will ever need to use, or should have to use. But at 18 I was assaulted on a night out, I was really lucky and had amazing support from friends and family but they can only support so far. I had amazing support from BSARCS, I was supported by being walked through the court case, which is something you have no idea how it will look, but why would you? So something really overwhelming was broken down and explained to me and the support I got from BSARCS was invaluable.
I am lucky now that 10 years on I have been able to move on, it is never something you will forget, but something I can live with and move forward with my life. So that is why I decided to run the marathons, initially I signed up for the London marathon but didn’t hear anything back so applied for Leeds marathon, as luck would have it in the end I ended up signed up for both so here I am having ran one marathon London (23rd April) getting ready to run my next marathon Leeds (14th May). Both marathons are 26.2 miles each.
I am not a runner, it isn’t something that I have done for years, this was a “let’s go for it” moment, I enjoy pushing myself and doing things like this. I have always done fundraising for charity. To prepare for the marathons I have been following a 16 week training plan, this includes 3 runs a week and 2 strength sessions. My Saturday/Sundays are taken up with long runs, it is recommended that you only go up to 21 miles before the big day of the run. I am excited but nervous, I try not to say how long the marathons are out loud. I did run the Manchester half marathon last year for another charity, and the training for that felt a lot less serious and I felt I could just mess around, whereas training for this marathon I don’t feel that. I think after the marathon the next day I am going to have a big Sunday roast washed down with a big glass of wine”
Unfortunately Sarah had to defer her place in the Leeds Marathon due to a calf injury. We are incredibly proud of her for her efforts and hard work, I mean, here at BSARCS some of us huff and puff after 3 flights of stairs!
Sarah shared her thoughts on the London marathon
“The good news is that London was incredible, the atmosphere was amazing and I’m so glad I got to do to it. The most important part is that the final fundraising figure is £2564! I set out with a target of £1000 so I’m absolutely over the moon with this and cannot thank you enough for your support!
I’ve attached a picture below of me once I’d survived the 26.2 miles with my BSARCS T-shirt”
Look at that smile! What an achievement, £2564 raised. This money will go directly to the adults and children that we support here at BSARCS, providing them with the support tools and mechanisms to get the most out of their support.
Well done from all at BSARCS!
BSARCS’ offices are closed on Friday 7th April and Monday 10th April, we reopen on Tuesday 11th April.
If you are experiencing difficulty throughout this period, the following helpline may be available (although opening times may vary)
Rape Crisis England and Wales : 0808 500 2222
Safeline: 0808 800 5005
Samaritans 116 123
The following services may also be able to offer assistance:
Alcohol & Drug support services
Humankind Recovery Steps 01226 779066
Drug & Alcohol Services (NHS Trust) 01226 435860
Children & Young People
NSPCC 01226 779494
Barnsley Young Carers & Sibling Support Service (Barnado’s) 01226 770619
Domestic Abuse
IDAS 01226 320112
Housing & Homelessness
Housing & Homelessness Service – 01226 773870
Mental Health & Wellbeing
The NHS operate a 24 hour mental health helpline 0800 183 0558 which people are able to access if experiencing mental health distress.
Single Point of Access – 01226 645 000 between 9am and 5pm, Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Single Point of Contact (SPOC) – Children & Young People Children and young people looking for help around their mental health and wellbeing should contact the Children and Young People Mental Health (CYPMH) contact point on 01226 107 377 open between 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm Friday (excluding bank holidays).
SHOUT Text shout to 85258
CALM 0800 58 58 58
Money, debt & benefits
Barnsley Local Assistance & Welfare Scheme – access to foodbanks & grants
01226 775577
Barnsley CAB 03444 111 444
Barnsley Community First Credit Union 0303 03 000 10
GAMCARE (Gambling Support) 0808 8020 133
As BSARCS prepares for the New Year, we would like to thank our staff, volunteers, partner agencies and fundraisers for supporting us in 2022.
BSARCS’ offices close on Friday 23rd December and will reopen on Tuesday 3rd January.
If you are experiencing difficulty throughout this period, the following helpline are available over the festive season (although opening times may vary)
Rape Crisis England and Wales : 0808 500 2222
Safeline: 0808 800 5005
Samaritans 116 123
The following services may also be able to offer assistance:
Alcohol & Drug support services
Humankind Recovery Steps 01226 779066
Drug & Alcohol Services (NHS Trust) 01226 435860
Children & Young People
NSPCC 01226 779494
Barnsley Young Carers & Sibling Support Service (Barnado’s) 01226 770619
Domestic Abuse
IDAS 01226 320112
Housing & Homelessness
Housing & Homelessness Service – 01226 773870
Mental Health & Wellbeing
The NHS operate a 24 hour mental health helpline 0800 183 0558 which people are able to access if experiencing mental health distress.
Single Point of Access – 01226 645 000 between 9am and 5pm, Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Single Point of Contact (SPOC) – Children & Young People Children and young people looking for help around their mental health and wellbeing should contact the Children and Young People Mental Health (CYPMH) contact point on 01226 107 377 open between 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm Friday (excluding bank holidays).
SHOUT Text shout to 85258
CALM 0800 58 58 58
Money, debt & benefits
Barnsley Local Assistance & Welfare Scheme – access to foodbanks & grants
01226 775577
Barnsley CAB 03444 111 444
Barnsley Community First Credit Union 0303 03 000 10
GAMCARE (Gambling Support) 0808 8020 133
Harvey age 6, was out food shopping with his Mum and the supermarket were asking for donations to the food bank.
His mum explained what it was for and that lots of people rely on food banks and that many children will go without Christmas presents too.
This made Harvey sad and he asked what he could do to help. He got to thinking and decided to do he would do 50 miles in various activities, walking, cycling and running and he aimed to raise £50, so he could buy the children at BSARCS a chocolate treat for Christmas.
Here is Harvey taking on the miles – even in the snow!
When the snow meant he couldn’t go outside he took to his bike in the garage!
Well done Harvey!
His next job was to buy the chocolate treats.
Thanks to everyone donating, Harvey smashed his original target. This spurred him on to keep going and ended on 64 miles!
The additional money raised will allow us to support children in our young people’s services in other ways!
Harvey has raised over £2000 for BSARCS. He is our youngest fundraiser so we thought we would mark such a special achievement by having our oldest fundraisers present him with a trophy and certificate.
Here are Judy and Les with Harvey :]
Thank you Harvey for all your hard work.
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